If you’ve just purchased a limb saver for your compound bow and you’re not quite sure where to place it, then we have the answer for you.
The best spot to place your limbsaver is roughly 2-3 inches above the riser on either the shooter side of the limb or the target side.
From personal experience this is without a doubt the best spot to place it and it just works.
You can see from the images below where they should be placed and on what side of the compound bow.

limbsavers are well worth their purchase as the help decrease the noise and vibrations from the bow when shooting.
This can greatly help improve accuracy and stealth when shooting and gives you an advantage at a very low cost.
You will notice that after a long session of using your bow with it attached, that your arms, wrists and fingers wont be hurting as much and your muscles will feel more relaxed than usual.
After using my own compound bow with an attached limbsaver, the vibration was almost completely removed all together and make it so so much easier to have more of a solid aim.
Ive been using a combination of limbsavers and string silencers for years now and over that time my accuracy and aim has vastly improved to the point where I could not go back to not using them.
I cant recommend these little beauties enough and if you’re looking to pick one up, then this is the one I would recommend a thousand times over.
Table of Contents
General FAQ
What is a limbsaver
A limb saver is a small rubber mount that you attach to the frame of your bow which helps reduce vibrations created by firing arrows.
What do they do?
Essentially they help reduce large amount of vibrations throughout the bow frame, in some cases they can reduce up to as much as 70% of the vibrations
What are they made of?
They are made out of a thick rubber material that is durable and water proof.